It has been a pleasure promoting and celebrating the European Week of Sport within PalaCarrassi (sports facility (Bari, Italy) on Monday 26th October 2022.
The event took place thanks to the well-know collaboration between #MSV and ASD Pink Sport Time Bari(sports association which runs PalaCarrassi sports facility) and its trainers.
Almost 80 young people joined the event during which Spartaco Grieco officialized the great goal achieved by MSV: the #HealthyLifeStyle4All pledge aknowledged by EU Commission (1 of the 4 Italian associations which gained this pledge). MSV got this great result thanks to its campaing “Nobody excluded for healthy lifestyles through sport” that aims to attract and engage young people to practice sport by using the “basket music” practice, designed to promote multifactorial activities. This methodology combines basket, music, rythm and develops coordination and self-confidence skills.
Different sports were shown and practiced by the young athletes: dance, hip hop, taekwondo, multisport, and basketball. MSV had the occasion to demonstrate, as well, some excercises of #basketmusic.
During the event, Pietro Petruzzelli (Sports Assessor of the City of Bari) could intervene and explain the importance and benefits from being part of the European Commission sports activities.
A special thanks to:
– Patrizia Aldini (Pink Bari Basket president) who allowed this great synergie;
– Nicola Ferrante (basketball school coordinator)
– Stefania Scaramuzzi (event coordinator).