Yesterday we had an online meeting with all partners to discuss about the project, its activities and goals
The project is progressing well. After an initial presentation we talked about:
WP4- The evaluation strategy with the preparation of Evaluation report and Guidelines for implementation, an important report that assesses the effectiveness of the project across four domains: process efficiency, quality of outputs, stakeholder engagement, and long-term impact
WP2- Workshop Topics Suggestions, a very useful collection of surveys about all the project’s activities and goals
next meeting will be in Paris . We’ll discuss about WP3, a deliverable linked to improve engagement of DC service providers from 5 EU countries with more than 600 athletes and vice versa through digital tools, and to strenghten the dissemination reach and usage of cutting-edge audio-visual and various digital formats.
We have a lot of work to do but a really great work has already done!
Keep in touch for the next steps!
Acon is a project cofunded by European Union