Erasmus+ Sport: Together we grow- 1°tournament

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When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

On mondat, 8th july, in full high summer season (39°!) the first social tournament organized as part of Together We grow, a project that aims to promote physical activity and well-being through table tennis, took place in Bari, in the gym of the Massari-Galilei school institute.

Thanking ASD Tennistavolo Bari 32 athletes, both competitive and non-competitive, of all ages, participated in the tournament, really well organized and we are really proud for deciding to share and support us in the realization of this project action. It was a true intergenerational tournament!!

We had the honor of being able to also have the kids from the Fondazione Carlo Valente Onlus, athletes with disability participated, because for us sport must always be truly inclusive.

These are the winners:
First place: Fabio Pavone
Second place: Alberto Corbacio
third place: Giuseppe Rubino
fourth place: Dayan Gayaran

Well done them and everyone! Days like yesterday give us back all the beauty and importance of doing sport, because it is good for physical and mental health, it allows us to spend time in company and improves lifestyles.

While waiting for the TPM in Bari in April, there will be other 5 tournaments, we look forward to the second tournament to be held after the summer.

Togeter we grow is a project co-funded by European Union