Erasmus+ Sport: HEAL

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The follow-up #HEAL project is started some months ago and running through our timeline , yesterday we had a nice moment with all the partners during online meeting.
HEAL is a project that deals with the training of coaches for greater awareness of the reduction of youth obesity, the strengthening of the principles of #healthylifestyle, a holistic approach in the #HEPA sector and lifestyle improvements among young athletes.It’s very important meet partners and share ideas about reached goals, realized atìctivities and next steps.

During online meeting we discussed  some issues:
•⁠ ⁠Definition of the Ambassador’s profile: 2 coaches (per organization) who will implement the program and who have sports skills, etc.
-WP2: Presentation of  Guidelines for survey and interviews to.   Questionnaires & interviews for male and female equally and with a focus on coaches/teachers who work in vulnerable areas.
•⁠ ⁠WP3: elearning platform: presentation of 2-3 types of platform and some topics.
-WP5: communication plan: we talked about contents for social media and HEAL Social management. Next event in Warsaw(Poland), in march 2025

Before the next on line meeting at the end of September, we have to finalize the tasks we talked about.
Thanks to all for the great job done, because indeed we have a lot to work to do, but when partners are so collaborative and professional, it’s all easier!

Heal is a project co-funded by European Union