The first Technical training session of women walking basketball has been done!!
We were in Valenzano, near Bari, together with some women of 50 years and older, involved in the training session of walking basketball. It was really amazing!!After developing walking basketball content and exercises, it has been interesting using them to implement the pilot testing and applying with coaches and athletes!
Walking sports are an excellent way of staying fit and healty that contributes to promote an increased sense of the value of healty and active lifestyle of elderly. During this training session, we felt better and we spent really good time too. Next training session is on 30th november. Both session are preparatory for the tournament that will be held in December in Bari, at Angiulli Gym. We can’t wait for it!
Athena is a project that aims to increase female participation in sport governance and administration and to present Sport walking as a physical activity valuable for the health of the agers, with a focus on #WalkingBasketball and #WalkingFootball
Athena is co-funded by Europea Union European