Erasmus+ Sport: ACON

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Today we had an online meeting to discuss with all partners the progress of ACON, an innovative project which promotes and encourages the athletes’ dual career and wants to expand dual career implementation and dual career digital environment through improved visibility and interconnectivity among existing.
During the meeting we talked about:

1. evaluation strategy and progress. Branik Team explained and presented all the contributions from partners. In particular we discussed about what metrics should be used and what are the objective justifications behind the quality assessment of the workshop. there will be two more weeks to add  comments and contributions to the Evaluation Report and Guidelines for Implementation, prepared by Branik.

2.Next TPM, in Paris in october.  We discuss about the logistic, organization and agenda 

3. next online meeting, before summer, will be on August 8th at 9:00
A lot of great job awaits us!