Erasmus+ Sport: HEAL

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This week we had an online meeting with all project’s partners. It’s important to meet each other because we can discuss about project’s progress and share new ideas and proposal.
Heal is a very big project that hat deals with:

♦️the training of coaches for greater awareness of the reduction of youth obesity

♦️the strengthening of the principles of #healthylifestyle

♦️a holistic approach in the HEPA sector and lifestyle improvements among young athletes.

During the meeting we discussed about training content that will be delivered through e-learning programs facilitated by a platform provided by I-SPORT, ensuring sustainability and broad impact.

The activities will ensure widespread visibility through trained Ambassadors and by leveraging professional sports testimonials. This methodology aimes at enhancing the capabilities of the grassroots sports sector (coaches) and empowering the local communities involved in the initiative (sports clubs and schools).

Stay tuned for the next steps!

Heal is a project co-funded by European Union