
Erasmus+ Sport: HEAL

This week we had an online meeting with all project’s partners. It’s important to meet each other because we can discuss about project’s progress and

Erasmus+ Sport: HFTEAM

The project is going on! All partner collected some best practices to increase to increase the level of physical activity of sedentary employees with disabilities.

Erasmus+ Sport: HEAL

The follow-up #HEAL project is started some months ago and running through our timeline , yesterday we had a nice moment with all the partners


Let’s know the partner of #HFTeam, a project that deals with increasing the level of physical activity of employees with disabilities. Coordinator is Zavod Trend-Prima,

Erasmus+ Sport: HFTeam

Last week, first project TPM in Maribor, Slovenia. Unfortunately, we were not there because our project manager Spartaco Grieco was ill! But however it has

Erasmus+ Sport: OUTSPO

È giunto a conclusione, dopo due anni di attività, OUTSPO, progetto europeo che incoraggia la partecipazione allo sport e all’attività fisica nella natura e promuove

Erasmus + Sport: HEAL

It’s always important to meet project’s partners also for a on line meeting. Yesterday we had a Heal monthly meeting, necessary to share the communication

Erasmus+ Sport: HEAL

A big and very important project, co-funded by European Union, is starting: Heal. It’s a project that deals with   – the training of coaches

Erasmus + SPort: Com2Sports

We are in #Lubijana, a very charming and beautiful city, for the TPM of #Com2Sports, a project co-founded by European Union, that aims to promote