Erasmus+ Sport: MoveUp

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Erasmus+ Sport: Erasmus Move Up

Let’s know the partners of MoveUp, a new project that promotes improving the well-being and physical condition of people living with chronic health conditions through physical activities and sports, under the guidance of specialized trainers and under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.🤼

✅ Corporate Games Bucharest , Romania a sport non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting grassroot sport, with focus on companies and corporations. In MoveUp is the coordinator and will manage WP4, Local trainings and competitions

✅ Federația Română de Fotbal, Romania: a non-profit organization that aims to promote football all over the Romanian territory. It will manage “Educating coaches to train people with chronic health condition”

✅ Federata e Futbollit e Kosovës – Football Federation of Kosova the governing body of football in Kosovo, It will contribute to Local Trainings and Competitions ⁠

✅ International Diabetes Federation Europe, a diverse and inclusive multicultural network of national diabetes associations, representing both people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals. It will manage Study on Sport and Chronic Health Conditions

✅ We, at Aps Asd Margherita Sport e Vita. We will manage dissemination activity, impact and sustainability

A really great partnership for a great project!

MoveUp is cofunded by European Union