Yesterday all partners were in Bari for the final TPM of ”Together We Grow” a project that promotes intercultural dialogue and foster social inclusion through sports, especially through table tennis.
During the meeting we discussed about:
project’s activities and results achived until now, MSV has organized n. 7 tournament with an average of participants 245 players from multi/generational ages
new ideas to reinforce Impact and sustainability: it will be organized the last tournament during “Ping Pong International Day” 23th april, in the mean time will be organized in the sane partners countries and last but not the least, introduce TWG exhibition during the EWOS 2025 at PalaCarrassi.
For this last tournament will be created n.3 trophys builded in wood from artigians expert , friends of our Greek partner, a key message for confirm #TWG is alined with respect of enviroment!
In the afternoon we had a international TT Tournament and great Thanks for the hospitality at ASD Tennistavolo Bari and all the board management for this opportunity.