Erasmus+ Sport: Athena

Erasmus+ Sport: Athena Erasmus+ Sport ProjectSome days ago we had an online meeting with all partners of Athena, a project that aims to encourage participation

Erasmus+ Sport: Sporphyment

Last week we had the KO meeting of Sporphyment, a new project that is about to begin and in which we are very happy to

Erasmus+ Sport: AllAbilities

Erasmus+ Sport: Project All Abilities Active 2025 has begun and some new projects too and we are thrilled to present them!🎊 Let’s start with AllAbilities,

Erasmus+ Sport: Acon

Today we had a meeting online to discuss the progress of activities and what we have to do in 2025.The project is going well and

Erasmus+ Sport: Win Win

Yesterday we had the first KO Meeting of a new project starting in this 2025: Win Win a project that aims to  encourage and promote

Erasmus+ Sport: Athena

Erasmus+ Sport: Athena Erasmus+ Sport Project The women’s walking basket tournament was a real success! After the 2 technical training sessions for walking basket athletes

Erasmus+ Sport: Psycoach

Many coaches need to improve their knowledge about psychological aspects such as training psychology, team management, psychological development, and effective communication. This knowledge and skills gap

Erasmus+ Sport: Together we grow

Last week we had the 5th table tennis tournament held in collaboration with ASD Tennistavolo Bari in IC Massari School gym, “the Christmas tournament”! A

Erasmus+ Sport: Traditgam

Erasmus + Sport: Traditgam project The first year of implementation of the “Traditgam” has been successful This year, Ķekavas novada Sporta centrs, in cooperation with

Erasmus+ Sport: Acon

Last week we had the monthly online meeting with partners of Acon, a project that promotes dual careers and try to find innovative solutions to